Beginning Your Journey In Fluid Mastering On YouTube

Fluid Mastering is a service that was started in late 2021 by Tim Debney and Nick Watson, both once very active senior engineers in London’s famous Townhouse studios. Over 55 years industry-savvy between them, they have over 55 years of experience between them, mastering everything from classical Rock, Jazz & Folk to more modern electronic dance, R& B & pop. Fluid Mastering is a company in which Tim and Nick develop and manufacture high quality mastering systems for audio recording and mix.


A lot of what has made Fluid Mastering so well-liked and desirable among professionals is the fact that it allows mastering to be done in virtually every style of music imaginable – traditional rock through to alternative metal, pop, jazz, traditional country, and every other genre imaginable. That being said, having said that, one thing that most professional clients ask us about is whether or not our fluid mastering packages will cater for the client’s needs. This is one of the hardest things to answer when working with clients. It is also one of the most exciting things to do, as we get to meet their specific requirements and dreams. Fluid Mastering does this every single day, but as always, we’re faced with the challenge of how to make sure we are meeting our clients’ desires her latest blog.


We will always tell a client that we will take the time necessary to address any mastering engineer’s concerns, no matter what they may be. That is why, for the last several years, we have been taking advantage of our years of expertise in YouTube audios to create a service specifically for the professional mastering engineer on YouTube. Fluid Mastering subscribers can now directly upload any audio file to YouTube – and if a mastering engineer is using YouTube for live sound mixing, this service will put that engineer’s final mix up on YouTube within minutes. This is one of our biggest advantages to our clients. It used to be that we would send an engineer out to our clients’ final recording studio and then try to get them to agree with our mastering engineer on the quality of the final mix, but with Fluid Mastering on YouTube, our engineers can instantly edit their final master until it exactly matches the client’s final YouTube file.


So, what does all this mean to the aspiring or veteran mastering engineer on YouTube? Well, if you are a YouTube user, then you probably know that there are literally thousands of other channels, which means that if your YouTube video isn’t ranked highly, then you won’t see any traffic. Traffic equals views, which equals more people viewing your YouTube videos. And views equal sales, which just means more money for you!


That is why we worked so hard to bring these products to the attention of the YouTube community. Fluid Mastering on YouTube is the first step in bringing you into the conversation with the engineering community, because as mentioned above, your video could be the beginning of a long lasting relationship with a mastering engineer. So, how do you get started? Fluid Mastering on YouTube allows you to upload three different videos, one called “Beginning”, one called “Background”, and one called “Final”. After you do this, a Fluid Mastering Pro plugin will automatically begin to take care of all of the mastering for you. It also comes included with an impressive list of sound files that the Fluid Mastering process can enhance, such as “How To” videos, pop music, and even voiceovers read review.


Fluid is completely free for everyone to use, so why not get started now? YouTube and similar online sites are rapidly increasing in popularity, and many artists and professional studios are taking advantage of this. It is important to remember that online mastering studios often have a lot more overhead than traditional live recording studios, and the costs quickly add up. But if you are committed to doing your part for the industry, the costs will eventually drop, and you will reap the rewards, which will inspire you to take more.

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